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It’s done. I’m PUPO. My two embryos survived the thaw and the embryologist told me that both were exactly the same when they froze them. One is 8 cells and the other was 6 cells. I was worried about getting my bladder full for the procedure. I didn’t want to be exploding during the transfer and didn’t want to have any embarrassing mishaps… I even did a trial run the day before to figure out how much water I needed to drink in an hour to get my bladder just right. I even timed myself LOL. So on the day, what I did was before I left the house, I emptied my bladder; this was an hour before the appointment. Then I start drinking 500ml of water on the way there. By the time for the embryo transfer my bladder should be full enough but not bursting; but what I didn’t anticipate was we arrived at the clinic early and they had me go for a scan to check my bladder right away. The bladder wasn’t full just yet so they asked me to drink a little more and wait 5 minute. In the end I think I drank a whole 600ml bottle of mineral water. I think that did the trick for me as I was comfortable during the transfer and after when I had to wait on the table for another 15 minutes before I could relief myself. The transfer went well; I thought it took longer than when we did the fresh transfer though. I guess the Dr wanted to find that perfect spot for our little ones to snuggle in.

After the transfer and the 15 minutes on the table I was sent to a little room to rest on a super comfy recliner. I was a little sleepy since I tossed and turned the night before due to anticipation and nerves. I took a nap had a little nap for almost an hour before going back to clinic to pick up my meds; I’m on Duphaston twice a day.  I’m taking 4 days of work until the weekend to just relax. The first day I was on bed rest so hubby had to attend to me all day 🙂 , but the next day I went about my lazy day at home. Dear hubby is taking good care of me; though he can’t take much time off work, he makes sure he picks up breakfast and lunch for me so that I won’t have to cook or do dishes…got to love that guy!

I’m praying and hoping for the best. I hope our two super embryos decide to snuggle in and continue to grow. With FET, my clinic does not have a beta day but instead gives me a date to get the HPT done on my own 12 days post transfer and to call them with the outcome. Wish us luck!



So last night I had my trigger shot (ovidrel). When the good nurse at the clinic asked if I know how to administer the injections, I was oh so confident. I should be a pro at giving myself the needle; been there, done that right? At 9pm I got all the stuff I needed laid out on the bed, and then planned on where to take the shot. I made sure no air bubbles were in the syringe, wipe the area with the alcohol swab, ready, aim …. then…. the needle would not go in! It stings quite a bit and when I withdrew, there was a little blood. I had to change location… Serves me right being too cocky!! I’m ok though…I had a good laugh at myself.

I guess this is the last step for me to do before the transfer. The rest is the hands of the doctor and embryologist at the clinic; and of course all of this, since day one has always been in gods hand, so I have faith that Allah has the best planned for me. Whatever it is, I will accept with a clear conscience that I’ve done my part, Wallahualam.

It’s Friday! Have a great weekend people…. sending armloads of babydust your way.



Yep, we finally have a date for our FET; it’ll be on Tuesday 25 June. I went to see the dr today since I did not have a LH surge all 3 days I’ve been testing, still no positive. So today I had another scan, the follicle is still there measuring 21mm and my lining is at 10mm. I’ve have been given ovidrel injection do tonight at 9pm and with ovidrel I should have my ovulation sometime Saturday and since our embryos are day 3 we’ll get the transfer done 3 day after O. I am to come in on Tuesday with full bladder, no makeup and no fragrance of any kind on my body, same goes with hubby minus the full bladder for him though… lucky guy!

I’m praying that both my embryos are doing well and will thaw well, inn sha Allah. I guess this is getting real. Praying for the best! Please send good thoughts and baby dust my way, I’d really appreciate it 🙂

Sending lots of love and baby dust your way.



I was supposed to start Tamoxifen on CD 4 but I forgot…yikes!!! Since I’m supposed to take 1 pill twice a day so I took the evening dose. I hope that’s ok. I’m soooooooo forgetful these days. The brain is just so full to take in new information? I don’t know… May be it’s just me not paying attention.

I had a doctor’s appointment today for my CD12 scan; well it’s actually CD13 today. As always, the trips to the doctors are somewhat unsettling; butterflies in the tummy and all that. The appointment went well, we had a scan to check the follicle and there was one measuring 18mm and the doctor said my lining was looking good as well measuring at 8.5mm and had the triple line they wanted to see. The dr was happy with the scan, so starting today we are going to wait for ovulation, I went home with some ovulation tests to do at home. I am to call the dr’s office once I get a positive but if I don’t by Thursday then I’ll need to go back to the dr’s office and they’ll give me an injection to make me ovulate. That would be plan B. I’m hoping my body does it on its own inshaa Allah.

I also had a chat with the dr about the blood pressure meds that I’m currently on. It’s a category C meaning there is no human testing data. Dear dr told me to continue with the meds until I get pregnant then we’ll need to switch to a safer alternative.

I’m taking it one day at a time…  I will keep the blog updated every step of the way.

Hope everyone’s journey is smooth sailing…



Nothing is set in stone but we are targeting to have our FET transfer on the last week of June, In sha Allah. At least we have a target right? I had a scan today; officially my CD 2 after the 7 days of Gynera, AF came again (withdrawal bleed) and everything looks in order.  No cysts J yeay! The plan is for me to start Tamoxifen on Saturday which will be CD 4 for 5 days and will go have a follicle scan on day 12. We’ll go on from there. Little baby steps…. I’m scared to think too far ahead!

I miss blog walking. I haven’t had the time to visit the other TTC blogs. I’m a silent reader most of the time; but even without interaction I feel a sort of bond. Sometimes when I read a blog, it feels like I’m reading my life story, just not in my own words. It makes this journey less lonely because there are so many people out there like me going through the same thing; but at the same time I wish there wasn’t because this pain… I don’t want anyone to have to go through. Their spirit becomes my inspiration, the joy and the tears are mine as well… If you own a blog and wouldn’t mind sharing it here with me, please leave a link in the comments. I would love to drop by.

Wishing everyone reading this a lot of sunshine and happy thoughts…. And most of all, buckets full of baby dust.
