You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2015.

Baby A was born at 37 weeks 3 days on 17 November 2015 at 4.21pm weighing 3.77kg and 54cm long via scheduled c-section. He is just beautiful. Alhamdulillah all praise to Allah. It still feels surreal but every time I look at him I just fall in love. 13 years… He’s worth the wait.

We are still at the hospital. I’m recovering well after the c-section but baby is admitted due to jaundice which breaks my heart. Please pray that my baby gets well real soon so that he can come home with mama.

I will write more on the birth story soon I hope. Thank you for your prayers throughout our journey. I’m forever greatfull.



I’m checked in at the hospital and we will be having the c-section at 2pm tomorrow, Insya Allah. Please please please send some doa and positive thoughts this way.



Made it to another week Alhamdulillah. My weekly doctor visits now consist of a blood and urine test for renal function and CTG until baby gets here. During the CTG today baby boy was really active at first but then fell asleep so the midwife had to jiggle my tummy to wake him up. Still with all the jiggling baby decided to not wake up. Then hubby tried to wake baby up by singing to my tummy and that finally did the trick. Baby boy started kicking up a storm. It was so funny. All is well. No contractions and my blood test came back ok, but I did have a little infection and the doctor gave me some antibiotics for it. Baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead and weighs 3.1kg based on the scan.

The planned c-section date is still as scheduled on 20 November, 18 days to go. That’s not too long now. I’m packed for the hospital but not packed for the confinement period since I will be at my moms for the month. I keep thinking there are stuff I need to get still. I asked the dr if I can go out shopping and he say yes…. As long as you are in a wheelchair LOL. So only online shopping for me for now. I’m enjoying my lazy days at home. My feet are no longer swollen, and I get to nap alllll the time. I’m such a lazy bum 😁

Hope all is well at your end.
